Natural Park's Information

Beach of Monsul Parque Natural
Beach of Monsul Cabo de Gata-Níjar

It is a large Natural Park with a land area of 38,000 hectares and a marine strip one mile wide, with 12,000 hectares. It has around 50 km of steep coast that has not suffered the slightest environmental degradation.

Pita del Cabo de GataThe Nature Reserve of Cabo de Gata partially occupies the towns of Almeria, Níjar and Carboneras.

The Cabo de Gata Nature Reserve has besides wild cliffs with spectacular views, natural and paradisiacal beaches like the famous Genoveses or Mónsul, and urban beaches, that have all the equipment and are in excellent condition, distinguished with the blue flag. In addition to the more adventurous, the park has reserved many beautiful coves to which can be accessed with a little more effort descending rocky terrain or making the journey in small boats.

Key to understand and enjoy the beauty and richness of the park are endemic flora, vegetation like palm, hemp, agave species, typical of a semiarid climate unique in Europe, and a landscape of great geological variety, product of volcanism with castings lava domes or fossil beaches.

The marine ecosystem of the park is another of its strengths, with crystal clear water in sight seems turquoise, sea floor houses vast meadows of Posidonia algae that harbor a variety of fish, shellfish, crabs etc. Diving in these warm waters is an unforgettable feeling.

While terrestrial fauna is similar to other parts of the Mediterranean, there is some peculiarity in reptiles (Lizard and vipers) and especially in birds, as in the Salinas de Cabo de Gata have a multitude of birds that can ornithological be spotted in one of the booths that are ready.

The human trace of the park is another thing that give uniqueness, because it telling us about its past Arabic, cisterns, wells, pottery or surveillance and defensive towers that were designed to stop the pirates. Sure, that we can still find vestiges more remote with Phoenician and Roman, fish salting factories or other workshops.

Also we will learn the nearest history of the Natural Park through the visible traces eg flour mills that dot the park as evidence of large estates cultivated wheat and barley that was in the early twentieth century or interesting mining structures were generated Rodalquilar when gold began to be drawn in 1925.

Cala Las Sirenas Parque Natural Cabo de GataIn recent years have emerged scattered throughout the park lodgings and catering establishments with a clear business idea, environmentally and partake of beauty without artifice philosophy that inspires the Park. This offer is attracting quality tourism that enjoy the charm of small to medium sized accommodations, friendly service and decorated with refinement, and enjoy the most exquisite taste that can offer a land like their own products, in specially the excellent vegetables and fishes.

Among the awards he accumulated this Nature are; Wetland of International Importance Ramsar 1989, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve 1997, Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance-SPAMI 2001, Geopark 2001, Site of Community, European Union-LIC 2006 .

40 rutas por Cabo de Gata a fondo
Libro rutas por Cabo de Gata

40 rutas de senderismo para realizar dentro del Parque Natural.


Sustainability is present in the park and there is a growing number of people willing to protect through outreach, information or legal representation, ecological protection figures that have been given to this unique park. Thus the activities carried out trying to respect this constraint without losing the variety: diving, snorkeling, kayaking, cycling, horseback riding ... The location of the Nature Reserve is ideal for trips with visits to areas near with tourist attractions as well as westtern towns, the gypsum karst of Sorbas or Almeria capital, that are a few miles from there.

Finally and to see how far it is advisable to visit the park, that in recent years prestigious media like the New York Times or specialized publishers like Lonely Planet guide marked this park on best parts of the Mediterranean, bringing it to the category of paradise.

Los Escullos Parque Natural Cabo de Gata

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